#74-Tidal Basin Cherry

Historical Name: Tidal Basin
Common Name: Cherry
Latin Name: Prunus serrulata

One of the springtime attractions in Washington, DC is the spectacular floral display of the numerous cherry trees throughout the city, and especially around the Tidal Basin. The original planting of several thousand trees dates back to 1912 when the city of Tokyo, in a gesture of friendship between Japan and the United States, presented the trees to our country. The then first lady, Helen Herron Taft, planted the first tree next to a bronze marker bearing the inscription: “Japanese Cherry (Prunus yedoensis). A gift from the City of Tokyo planted March 29, 1912 by Mrs. William Howard Taft in the presence of the Ambassador of Japan and Vicountess Chinda.” Since then, many additional flowering cherry trees have been planted around the city, and those lost to old age and accidents are replaced. This tree was grown from a cutting taken from one of the original Tidal Basin Cherry Trees, and was planted into UCNJ’s Historic Tree Grove in 1999.