#106-Valley Forge Sycamore

Historical Name: Valley Forge
Common Name: Sycamore
Latin Name: Platanus occidentalis

The Valley Forge Sycamore grows on the Pawling’s farm portion of the Valley Forge National Historic Park in Pennsylvania. Estimated to be between 260 and 285 years old, it is a witness tree, having shared the landscape with Washington and his Continental Army of 12,000 soldiers and 400 women and children at Valley Forge from December 1777 to June 1778. The massive tree, known locally as the Pawling Sycamore, grows next to a small building on what was a prosperous farm along the Schuylkill River in the 18th century. Washington and his troops camped across the river, and after they built a bridge used the Pawling farm for a camp market and commissary. It is amazing that this tree survived the winter of 1777-1778, since most trees in the area did not survive the encampment. When Washington and his army arrived, there were no existing accommodations for them. Within a short time about 2000 log huts (14 by 16 feet in size) were constructed, and enough firewood to keep them heated was collected. Pretty much every tree for miles in every direction was utilized. Why the Pawling Sycamore survived is unknown. Perhaps its proximity to a building where its shade would be valued was what saved it.

Washington chose Valley Forge as an overwintering location because it was close enough for him to keep his eyes on the British army 18 miles away in recently captured Philadelphia. That 18 mile distance was enough to ensure that the British were unlikely to engage the Americans during the winter. During the 6 month stay in Valley Forge, Washington’s troops, under the direction of former Prussian officer Baron von Steuben, were taught new military skills and tactics and became a cohesive military force. Therefore some historians consider Valley Forge to be the birthplace of the American Army. This training would serve the Army well shortly thereafter. In June 1778 at the Battle of Monmouth 10,000 American troops faced 10,000 British troops in one of the largest battles of the Revolutionary War. While there was no decisive victor, the Americans proved that they could take on the British Army and force it to retreat (see Historic Tree #90).

There are a few misconceptions about what took place at Valley Forge in 1777-1778. Yes, the conditions were miserable for the troops, but the winter weather was not exceptionally harsh. The hastily built huts would have been less than ideal during any winter. The arriving troops in December were certainly battle-weary, but their lack of food and clothing has been exaggerated. Did an extraordinary number of people die during the encampment? Certainly. The estimate is about 2,000, but not for the reasons most people think. Most fatalities occurred after the worst of winter had past. Two thirds of the fatalities occurred during March, April, and May of 1778. Despite the efforts of health care givers (including smallpox inoculations) influenza, typhus, typhoid, and dysentery took their toll.

The offspring of the Valley Forge Sycamore planted in UCNJ’s Historic Tree Grove in 2023 was grown from seeds collected from the parent tree in 2019.